Archive for April, 2014

Reluctant Spring and My Practice For Stability

Reluctant Spring and My Practice For Stability

I love living in Brooklyn for at least one hundred reasons.  One of them is that we get all four seasons here, usually in equal measure. This year the seasons are reluctant to change and so am I– I liked things the way they were! I am anticipating a number of changes in my life and like this year’s...

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Daily practice for concentration

Last week I did the daily practice for yoga and art each day. It was illuminating in that it both helped me to be more open to gratitude and helped me to see where I want to focus more attention. This week I am doing this practice for concentration. Feel free to join me and let me know how...

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Daily practice for gratitude

This year it has been tough to emerge from winter and the restrictive habits that have accompanied extended cold weather. Things are slowly warming and I am warming to a new daily practice. I read somewhere today the suggestion of going an entire day without complaining. Try it! It’s not so easy. I decided that this practice would help:

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